JE Group LLC has created the ultimate professional service company that’s designed to support the needs of the government. JE Group brings an organization administrative consultant service that specializes in government contracting knowledge and experience. We are equipped with the professional and management skills to provide Leadership and Organization Development, Organization Effectiveness and Survey Research services to our customers.  JE Group LLC is comprised of a team of professional that’s also responsible for providing government acquisition management training, human resource services, program/project management, professional management training, and administrative management services.

Mr. Dannie E. James Sr. serves as President of Government Business CoachSultant, LLC. (GBC). He is a graduate of Livingstone College with a Bachelor Degree in Education and Masters Degree in Public Administration from Central Michigan University. He’s a proud graduate of the Officer Candidate School, Fort Benning, Georgia. Mr. James holds the highest level of government contracting certification as a DAWIA Level III certified Contracting Officer from the Defense Acquisition University (specializing in Acquisition and Procurement). He has held executive leadership management positions such as Lead Contingency Contracting Officer and Directorate of Contracting. With his 22 years in the military, he served as a Senior NCO and Senior Staff Officer (Retired LTC). In June of 2000, he was selected to serve as the Director of Contracting for 3rd Army Central Command (Forward) located in Saudi Arabia. With his leadership, he supported approximately 1100 personnel in support of a $48.7 million budget.

In June of 2002, Dannie E. James Sr. transferred to Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) in Huntsville, Alabama where he managed the Quality Assurance Program of an Acquisition Category 1 program. He supervised the complete oversight of the production of the Interim Armor Vehicle (Stryker), a contract that was valued over $6 billion dollars. Dannie E. James Sr. ensured proper auditing, sampling, inspecting, and process proofing of the production process and testing/accepting the Interim Armor Vehicle (Stryker).

After retiring from the military in 2004, Dannie E. James Sr. established JE Group LLC, a company that specializes in government contract consulting services. With JE Group’s success, Dannie E. James Sr. founded Government Business CoachSultants, LLC. (GBC originally founded in 2008).

GBC focused on the full lifecycle of understanding how to proactively position and market businesses successfully in the Federal Government market (using Dannie E. James Sr.'s proprietary “10 Step Methodology”). GBC was formed to service Business-to-Business consulting demand and JE Group, a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), transitioned to provide Business-to-Government services.

After years of experience in the federal market, Dannie E. James Sr. analyzed who, what, when, where and how to enter and be a success in federal contracting. He leveraged relationships by interviewing “the experts” (Government Contract Representatives) to assess and evaluate his unique methodology concentrating more on the “HOW TO and WHAT IS REQUIRED”.

With over 25 years of government acquisition, millions in government contract awards to his efforts, longstanding procurement experience, and a relentless passion to help corporations succeed in the federal market, Dannie E. James Sr. is one of the most sought-after consultants and guest speakers in the federal industry. His knowledge and passion about government contracting have taken him within international travels that have allowed him to spread his institutional knowledge abroad.

In the world of Government Contracting, he is known as “The Coach”